The main types of communications we use nowadays is mainly telephones and ways to get other people into contact in a fast way, the best way to communicate with professors, job employees is email because it is more business format. Texting is best used for communicating with friends because you can joke around and not be seriously. From my perspective Skype would be mainly used for long distance communication with video chat because it is usually free and free of choice. IM is mainly for business just like Email, because it is more formal and shows more importance than texting. Yahoo has a long-tern search and advertising contracts with Microsoft's bing, which provides Yahoo's organic search results and related search advertising, Microsoft also powers the international version of Yahoo. The one year contract will expire this March, and Yahoo might not have anything to replace, and Yahoo is looking to start their own search engine.
I agree with how you believe their are certain types of people or situations in which we are using these communication methods. In school our main way of communicating with our professors is through email, and our primary way of communication with our friends is texting. If we don't have these it will be really hard to stay in touch with people nowadays.